Character Affects Relationships

Partnerships Transform Families
March 14, 2024
Healing and Growth
May 3, 2024

Character Affects Relationships

Operation Mercy in Iraq piloted a teacher’s training on the topic of character development for teachers in public schools in Mosul for three months. In six training courses 85 teachers from five schools were trained regarding five character values and how to encourage growth in those areas. Our overarching goal was to see character growth in the teachers and through them their students and indirect beneficiaries.

The character development material is intended to reach the students through the teachers, but one of the main ways that happens is by teachers themselves applying what they have learned in their own lives and modelling to their students how character affects relationships.

Samah*, one of the teachers we trained shared the following powerful testimony: “There were several people that I wasn’t on talking terms with for many years because of diverse issues. However, after the training I went to them and talked with them”.

“As a result of the training, my colleague really changed in a beautiful way.” Ahmed* shared. Working with this specific teacher had always been difficult and his relationships with everyone were always strained because he was quick to become upset and angry and be rude towards others. After attending the training, he became more kind and his relationships with everyone improved!

Abeer* shared that she benefited from the training because it affected her relationships. For one, as a result of the training, her relationship with one of her fellow teachers became better. In addition, her relationships with her students improved to the extent that they began to entrust her with their secrets. However, not only that, but she could tell that the students and their families have also been affected. For example, one of her students said that she went and thanked her mother for preparing food for them. Her mother was surprised and said to her “Very good my beautiful daughter.” Another student also thanked her mother, who responded with surprise saying: “Where did you learn gratitude? It seems that your teacher is teaching you some moral matters.”

*Names changed

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