In the fall of 2022, catastrophic flooding swept across Pakistan. In the chaos, a landslide tore through the remote mountain village of Kunis taking homes and cropland with it. Because of our connections among remote communities in the region, we were invited to help coordinate relief efforts in Kunis. Winter warming kits and food supplies were delivered, a water containment system was constructed, and 10 homes were rebuilt. Over countless cups of chai with village leaders, trust and relationships developed, and we learned of their desire for more training opportunities for their people – particularly women.
When our team arrived to begin registration for a 12-month mobile women’s sewing training program in the village (the first local training opportunity for women there), the 25 open positions were filled within minutes and 60 women insisted their names be added to the waitlist. This past fall, the 25 women graduated from the program. Each received a sewing machine to begin using their skills to generate income and provide for their families.
“We have lost everything, and few have shown the compassion to share in our sorrow. We have cried and endured trauma, with many still struggling with sleepless nights. The women’s center has given us hope and strength. Those who once slept under the open sky now have their own homes. The skills provided at this center will empower women to rebuild their lives. Your support will be remembered for generations.” – Community Leader in Kunis
In the fall of 2022, catastrophic flooding swept across Pakistan. In the chaos, a landslide tore through the remote mountain village of Kunis taking homes and cropland with it.
Our Agricultural Cooperation for Development (AC4D) project in Jordan is working within communities to support farmers with immediately adoptable and cost-effective technologies to aid in to management of the most pressing issues in smallholder agriculture in the Middle East.
In trafficking situations, women are often not able to get the medical attention they need, or they can’t afford to eat enough.
A new generation of younger farmers, having access to the internet, are considering how to incorporate technology with traditional farming practices.
We were amazed by the administrator’s care and her wanting to protect our team.
“I never have missed a single day and I have my best time here in this center.”
On registration day, over 80 women filled the small yard around the building where training would happen!
10 years into the Syrian conflict, people remain resilient for their children’s sake, and they still hope to go home even if they can’t imagine how that will work out.
The women in this group are empowering one another to be peacemakers within their families and communities through sharing their stories and affirming positive change.
Now I am trained enough to do different types of stitching and I have already started earning.
Her sister was stunned that Rosa, herself, was willing to assume the shame.
We are so thankful that these girls weren’t trafficked by this woman. It is an ongoing battle as these traffickers are looking for children from vulnerable families- like this one.
“After participating in some lessons, the women start to change their life with each other and they’re encouraging each other.”