In November 2023 Operation Mercy in Afghanistan started building a solar water supply network in a district in Kabul. We were joined at the opening ceremony by local officials and members of the community.
Another villager said: “Today, my family and I are very happy because one of our wishes will be fulfilled, and we are very hopeful as we are witnessing this opening. The issues with safe drinking water are widespread.
“Most of the families in this village lack access to clean drinking water, and it is extremely difficult for our women and children to get water from a distance. A lot of times our wives also carry little children. The children also struggle to get water, and in the past, we have seen fist fights about who gets the water. Thankfully through your provision this will not happen anymore.”
Operation Mercy started this project in 2020, before the change of government in Afghanistan. The project has survived the challenges of temporary closure, difficulties in re-engaging donors and funding, delays and frustrations in trying to get permission for the project from the new government, and a seemingly never-ending list of technical requirements and design changes.
Our team in Afghanistan are glad that they can provide a new solar powered water network for 90 houses. The water in the former wells was not good for drinking. They also are providing hygiene training for men’s groups.
In one of the villages in the outskirts of Kabul, where Operation Mercy has a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) program, men’s groups eagerly receive their lessons.
In November 2023 Operation Mercy in Afghanistan started building a solar water supply network in a district in Kabul. We were joined at the opening ceremony by local officials and members of the community.
The WASH project has taught us many valuable things, one of which being the necessity of having access to clean water, which can help us avoid many diseases.
“Most of the families in this village lack access to clean drinking water, and it is extremely difficult for our women and children to get water from a distance.”