Education, Pakistan

In the isolated mountain valleys of northern Pakistan live a semi-nomadic people group known as the Gujjar people. This people group is recognized as one of the most neglected and marginalized within the region. Accessibility to these villages, often a several hour trek by foot or horseback, along with the challenges of a nomadic lifestyle have made government support for education in these villages limited. Strict religious rules and high illiteracy rates within these communities have drastically diminished the priority for education, particularly among girls.

The goal of this project, run by our partner organization, is to work with remote communities to improve access to education through adult literacy classes and operational support for five remote village schools.  Our partners do this by providing tuition, books, teacher and administration salaries (which include an emphasis on female teachers), along with a safe place for students to learn. Through education, training and development, local communities can be equipped to move from poverty to prosperity.

Supporting remote village schools in this way will enable the first generation of young people in their villages to attend school primary levels (1st-5th class) and beyond. Our partners have a particular emphasis on girls receiving an education. They do this by building classrooms specifically for girls and hiring female teachers and thus encouraging girls' education. By meeting these needs, our partners believe that enrolment will continue to grow, and students, particularly girls, will be encouraged to continue their education.


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